Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Multi: -player, -game, -track support

Comprehensibility of the following bullet-point lists is questionable, unless you're me and therefore intimately familiar with this project's code...

Multiplayer support:
  • Games support 1, 2, 3, or 4 players.  Having just one player right now makes no sense because there is no AI opponent.
  • Gameplay page polls (Javascript AJAX calls) database to discover additional players joining the game.
  • Player who initiated the game can decide to stop the polling and start the game; alternatively, the game will automatically be started if 4 players have joined (since that's the maximum it supports).
  • Once the game is to be started, it's set to in_play = true in the database, and the flashvars string is sent to the AS (including: game_id, track_num, pid, numPlayers...yeah for variable-name inconsistency!)
Multi-game support:
  • Can start a new game from the index page - game_id is sent through the querystring as -1 to indicate a new game should be started; PHP figures out the current highest game_id number and inserts a new game to the db with the next-highest id number.
  • Index page displays a list of games that have been initiated but are not yet in play (i.e. are open for more players to join) - these have not yet been closed by their organizer and still have fewer than 4 players.  One need simply click to join; game_id is passed in the querystring and retrieved in the PHP via the global $_GET variable.
  • The game_id is sent to AS through flashvars as mentioned above.
Multi-track support:
  • I made a MovieClip object called 'tracks'.  Each of 4 keyframes will eventually display a different track I've drawn, but right now they all show the same one.
  • When you are starting a new game from the index page, thumbnails of the 4 options for default tracks are shown, and you simply select one before you click the 'go' button to head to the playgame.php page.   The track number you've selected is submitted via a form POST.
  • For new games, the playgame.php page pulls the selected track number from the form POST and inserts it as one of the fields when adding the new game to the database.
  • For existing games (that you're joining), the page queries the database based on the game_id provided in the querystring and thereby pulls the track_num.
  • The track number is then passed to the AS as one of the flashvars.  Since this number refers to the keyframe of the instance of the 'tracks' MovieClip, I simply pass it as a parameter to display the correct track: realtrack.gotoAndStop(track_num).
  • NOTE: I've currently not implemented support for players drawing their own tracks... If I get to that, I'm not sure if I will be able to associate the track number to each game by just storing it as one of the attributes in the Games table.  My original database design includes a separate table for tracks, and I imagine storing custom tracks somehow would require this table, BUT, right now, with only my 4 possible default tracks it works just fine to have an id number (1 - 4) as an attribute for each game.
Well this post feels a bit disorganized and haphazard... I will try to post a screen-capture video of all this stuff soon.

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